Rise of Remote Job Postings on LinkedIn

Remote jobs are growing, and they’re growing fast. In fact, in the next year alone, LinkedIn Economic Graph researchers predict that there will be more than 200,000 remote job openings—that’s a 60% increase from 2021!

From customer support to social media strategists, there are thousands of remote positions available across all industries.

remote job rise in LinkedIn


‘Education’ is a sector that has always been remote-friendly, with teachers able to work from home or office; but the latest ONS figures show an enormous rise in remote jobs in this area, so much so that it now makes up 11% of all roles in the sector.

The 2020s are the decade of work-from-home jobs, according to recent data from LinkedIn Economic Graph researchers.

A “remote job” is defined as one where either the job poster explicitly labeled it as “remote” or the job contained keywords like “work from home” in the listing.

Industry ranking is based on the share of remote jobs in 2021. Each industry needed at least 1,000 remote job postings to be ranked.

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